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The Ted Rogers Students’ Society is Canada’s largest commerce students’ society governed by 15 elected students of the Ted Rogers School of Management who form the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors are responsible for making major administrative policies, strategic planning and financial decisions that have both immediate and long-term effects on the organization and the students of TRSM.
Each year, TRSS hosts elections with our general membership to fill the positions on our Board and to choose our representatives for the 13,000 students of TRSM. This year the TRSS Elections for the 2025-2026 team will occur this February 10th - 14th!
What do I have to do prior to submitting my CCC application?Watch the CC101 session recording in the D2L course shell Complete the quiz with a passing grade of 80%. Submit your application through this link. IMPORTANT NOTE: The CCC committee will not review any applications submitted within 14 business days of the conference start date.
What are CC 101 Sessions?The CC 101 session is a preliminary step before being eligible to apply for CCC (Conference and Competitions Committee) it is mandatory for all students who wish to apply for CCC as you're representing TRSM and it's important to learn both case competition etiquette and case competition knowledge. Please note that you need to watch the CC101 session and have passed the quiz with a minimum score of 80% in the D2L Course Shell to be eligible to apply. Please ensure you've watched a CC 101 session and completed the relative quiz BEFORE applying for CC Funding.
What is the reimbursement process?After the conference delegate has to use the following link fill out the Payee information section and attach it with all the original receipts/invoices and submit it in this google form.
How do I get fully reimbursed? What documents do I need to submit?In order to be fully reimbursed, an updated budget with actual dollars spent will be required along with original receipts. The student should maintain a copy of the receipts for their records. All receipts must be submitted within 7 business days of the expense being incurred or 7 business days from the Event (whichever occurs later). A completed Cheque Requisition form outlining the details of the expense incurred must accompany original receipts. Please note that TMU reimbursement forms will be filled by the CC Committee no action is required from delegates in this regard. however, students are responsible for providing the CC Committee with their original receipts. In addition, any delays caused due to the negligence of the delegate shall face a reduction or denial in funding/reimbursement. For more information read The CCC Guidebook.
What are the limitations on my reimbursements?Gas expenses cannot be reimbursed. No Alcohol or Cannabis purchases can be reimbursed. You shall select the most cost-effective option. e.g. Business class flight tickets will not be reimbursed. The CCC Committee will have the authority to determine what defines a reasonable expense as it relates to TRSS activities and in accordance with University policies. Hospitality reimbursements will be reviewed and approved by the CCC Committee. Cheque requisitions for USD or any foreign currency must be filled in CAD based on the amount you were originally charged by your bank and require a bank statement to confirm the exact amount paid.
Can I use any gift cards frequent traveller points or credit card cash backs for any of my conference purchases?No. However, you may use coupon codes/vouchers to lower the total cost of your conference.
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